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Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu (2016) Now that they are reunited, Masamune vows to make Ritsu fall in love with him again since the latter had become reluctant towards love due to the heartbreak he received at school. One of the main reasons why ‘Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu.’ is on this list is because the anime has got potential.

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For the lovers of shounen-ai, the characters are pretty important, sometimes more than the plot. The manga version has got a loyal fan base because of the story and the characters, but the anime adaptation could have done much better. Since each episode is quite short and there are only four episodes, everything seems to move too quickly, and it’s hard to get close to the characters. But it’s a fun show if you are just looking to watch some shounen-ai on the fly. ‘Kono Danshi, Mahou ga Oshigoto Desu.’ has a fantasy theme. But Chiharu is afraid that Toyohi is only in love with him since he is a wizard. The protagonist Chiharu Kashima is a wizard. One day a man named Toyohi Utsumi approaches him and tells him his love for magic.

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Later he confesses to Chiharu that he has fallen in love with him. As time passes, they grow closer and start spending more time together.

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